Thursday, November 12, 2015

Emoji Stories

We finally got iPhones a few months back. Finally caught up to the rest of you.

Finally I'm getting to use emojis, and I'm using them like it's my job. I have years of emoji-less conversations to make up for, so sometimes I like to send Jeff an entire message comprised only of emojis.

Some of them are very easy to decipher:


 Others are a little more complicated.

He can usually figure them out, but that is probably because he knows me better than anyone else.

Also, I can now do one of those "phone photo dump" blog posts.

So I bring you a study in teething:

A consequence of so much early teething is that the cub loves her baby tylenol. Sometimes I just give her the little dropper and let her think she's taking some - gives a nice placebo affect. She's recently started trying to share her tylenol with me, which I am taking as the sign of true love that she means it as.


  1. Raising a druggie, huh? LOL. Poor little Annika. Some things in life are tough. In other news, I have to admit I'm emoji impaired. I'll use them up to a point, but some escape me. I left my phone at home today and was going through withdrawals. I guess I'm a smart phone addict. There's no Tylenol product for that. Sadly.

  2. Sorry, you lost me on the word "emoji". My android doesn't even spell correctly. Just have to be careful that
    I proof every text......some would be embarrassing if sent. Cute pictures of a darling little family.....Mom F.

  3. I've had a smart phone for years but am still emoji-illiterate. Why did it have to be the word of the year?!
