Friday, January 10, 2014

Conquering 2014

I'm a goal setting type person. I make goals year round, not just at the beginning of the year. Not to say I look down on all of the resolutionists - in fact, I love the beginning of the year because everyone is so willing to join me in support groups to reach all of our goals! It's great to team up with different groups of people to help inspire me to run farther, to love myself more, to read more, to improve my apartment, etc. The potential is so high I feel like I've achieved something already.

 While putting together a set of 3 words I want to define 2014, Jeff asked me what words I thought would sum up 2013. The best I could come up with is "tired." Probably more a reflection of the last 4 or so months of 2013, but there is it. I'm tired for several reasons...and now it's time to move past that. I have a new set of words for 2014 and a new agenda.

I feel like I can conquer 2014 right now.

I feel like this:

Christian, circa 2004.

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